Jan 1, 2018

gRPC in Scala with ScalaPB

Curiously enough my old post on gRPC still gets disproportionately many hits. Now that I work with Scala full time I was curious to see how my old Java example would compare with a Scala version. Spoiler alert: I don't have that much new to report. Other people covered it better before. This post probably makes more sense as a head-to-head comparison between Java and Scala versions.

From what I see Scala people tend to avoid Java libraries. I am skeptical it's a good idea especially around networking and concurrency where the Java ecosystem is at its best. But I am still learning and have no strong opinions developed yet. After all, last time I used Java j.u.c Futures, Guava Futures, and CompletableFutures were still all in the game.

In case of gRPC the unofficial Scala code generator is known as ScalaPB. Once you configure it in your SBT project it feels as natural as the official Java version. The good news is that the generated code operates in terms of Scala Futures and so feels idiomatic. But you still need to initialize the gRPC foundation and that part looks almost the same as in Java.

As before, the goal is to support two different service endpoints on the same server and to have fully asynchronous client and server implementations. As we concentrate on the request/response approach we completely ignore the question of streaming. gRPC bootstrap code is so simple that I could not find enough of it to extract anything truly generic. So even though I notionally have a server and a client they just wrap initialization logic and might be unnecessary.

There are a couple technicalities I would like to highlight:
  • I had to google and experiment to find out how to configure ScalaPB for a multi-module project and a non-default proto file directory
  • even though your actual logic is all about Futures and so requires ExecutionContexts, it's easier to start with an Executor to name threads and configure underlying thread pools and then wrap it into a context
  • I can think of a few slightly different ways to propagate ExecutionContexts; implicit vals are idiomatic but seem to be less readable despite saving a little typing
All in all, using ScalaPB feels a little more idiomatic but not that different from how it's done in Java.

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