Oct 31, 2007


In my opinion test-driven development and refactoring are the most important contributions of the Agile movement. Personally, I find the movement itself rather controversial and oriented on less complex systems. I believe that school of thought brings in a few valuable ideas from cognitive and industrial psychology. On the flip side, I am highly suspicious of their lack of engineering rigor.

Throughout my career I have seen different development organizations. Some took unit testing for granted (sadly, TDD was not explicitly encouraged but even sufficiently extensive unit tests go a long way). Others only briefly dabbled with JUnit. The latter invariably turned out to work on profoundly boring applications with little to brag about in the quality attributes department. Naturally, this experience taught me to screen potential employers by their attitude to unit testing and test coverage tools.

Most of the time the refactoring part of the equation was mostly the matter of taste of individual developers. It is easy to justify but certainly much more challenging to amend. I think refactoring is so intrinsically intertwined with artsy questions of style, readability and proper OOD that it is destined to be a way of thinking and not merely a cookbook. If you remember the founding book on the subject, virtually each and every refactoring there is accompanied with a counterpart reversing the action - you choose which one to apply in a particular situation.

In my experience things that are difficult to formalize are easier to learn by watching. Probably this is the only way and that's why it takes so long for a developer to mature despite a relatively narrow skill set required typically. Such learning tends to evolve through time and requires good reference materials to learn from.

I am reading a couple of books on the subject, namely Test Drivenand xUnit Test Patterns. Clearly, they are not comparable - the former is an also-ran, the latter is essentially the bible from a world-renowned series.

From Test Driven I would recommend an interesting chapter on testing concurrent code (thread-safety, blocking operations, starting and stopping threads, asynchronous execution). I hesitate to come up with another book addressing it.

Strangely enough, I found Test Patterns to be rather boring. Probably because of its 950 pages :) It reads more as a catalog of test idioms ("five ways to create a test fixture - transient, persistent, shared ..") and I was overwhelmed in my attempts to find and learn quickly a few new useful tricks. Surely enough the book is valuable, especially as a conceptual guide, but do not expect much fun.

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