Aug 6, 2008

Promoting Maven2

As a relatively small company we have a lot of rather messy code to maintain and not much spare capacity to significantly refactor it immediately. All kinds of bad smells are present - from having just two huge binaries shared by drastically different components to having compiled unit tests in those two production JAR files. It makes me cringe every time I think about.

Curiously enough, once upon a time there was a pretty good (at least according to the founder who is a competent software developer) reason for putting everything into one binary. It was easy to updated multiple servers and keeps things simple in general, at least from the operational perspective.

For more than three months I have been pushing for better software engineering practices in a few different areas. My first win was persuading our Director of Engineering to allow me to use Maven2 as the build tool for a new component we designed in this last sprint. To me M2 feels pretty much the way the Spring Framework does - once you try it you cannot imagine you lived without it.

On my current team I turned out to be the only one with previous M2 experience so I expected troubles. From what I observed, people with no previous knowledge of dependency management systems tend to be less than excited about keeping their dependencies explicit. In a sense, it's like TDD - it takes certain changes in your mindset to realize how valuable it can be.

The good news is that another engineer we teamed up in the last sprint was easily convinced once he saw how easy it was to add new classes and unit tests without messing up with Ant-style classpathes/directories/proprietary targets. Luckily, our Bamboo CI server integrates with M2 as well so barring minor integration difficulties (such as the need to install a few proprietary libraries built with the old Ant-based approach into the M2 repository) we are all set.

I really like M2. It's simple but flexible. It has tons of plugins - it took me just ten XML lines or so to add Cobertura to out build. And the really good news is that finally we have two extremely good free sources of documentation. I remember struggling mightily with M2 a couple of years ago when their infamous site was pretty much all there was. Nowadays, you can just go and download either a more introductory book or a more reference-like volume. Even search in public repositories hardly could be made easier.

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