Parquet is a column-oriented binary file format very popular in big data analytics circles. Nowadays it's probably impossible to find a sql-on-hadoop engine that does not support this format. The Parquet library makes it trivial to write Avro and Protocol Buffers records to a file. Most of the time you can't beat the simplicity of a "df.write().parquet("some-file.par")"-like Spark one-liner.
But it's also possible to find yourself in a situation when you want to export data from an existing system which does not use Avro-like records. It's actually quite easy to do. One would need to:
- extend the WriteSupport class responsible for writing a record instance to Parquet output
- extend the ParquetWriter class to instantiate the new WriteSupport subclass
- create a schema representing your record fields
- for each record instance, write the field values to RecordConsumer
For simplicity sake let's assume a record type without nested structures. The high-level writing sequence looks roughy like that:
Here Record Writer represents a collection of Field Writers. Each Field Writer implementation knows how to write a field of a particular primitive type. The sequence is straightforward, please look at the example source code for details. Notice that to write a null value for a field it's enough to just skip the field for that record.
One unexpected complication is that for no particular reason Parquet library uses java.util.logging. This is the first time in my life I see anybody using it. You are not likely to have a logging configuration for it in your code base. You will definitely want to separate Parquet logs from the rest because they could be quite verbose. I actually had to use a rather unpleasant way to configure logging properly.
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